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Autor/inn/enAllen, Stephanie; Mims, Clif; Roberts, Stephanie; Kim, Beaumie; Ryu, Jeeheon
TitelInternship experience: Engaging in the big discourse.
QuelleIn: Tech trends for leaders in education and training, (2004) 1, S.44-48
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterIntern Experience; Instructional Technology; Board Meeting; TechTrends Volume; Antarctic Expedition
AbstractConclusion The AECT internship provided each of us with experiences appropriate to our individual interests and expertise. Our all-access pass did help introduce us to the many larger discussions taking place across the organization. We were able to connect with other graduate students and to develop new ties with some of the pillars of the field. We can attest to the fact that AECT actively seeks new ideas, energy and leadership that can strengthen the organization. Our final thought for you is that AECT wants you to be involved. We discovered that the doors are wide open, and we know that you do not need an intern’s medallion to step through those doors. We hope these stories encourage you to step through the doors and find your place within AECT.
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